Tyske spring kollegaer om Isabell Werth / German jumping colleagues about Isabell Werth (video in German)

Der er vidst ingen tvivl om at German Masters stævnet i Stuttgart er = Isabell Werth.

Sport im Dritten, har efter weekendens succes haft Isabell Werth i studiet, til en snak om hendes karriere, og ikke mindst et par ekstra kommentarer fra de to tyske internationale top springryttere Ludger Beerbaum (som lige har lagt sin egen karriere på hylden) og Christian Ahlmann - begge med største respekt for Isabell Werth og hendes succes. 

"Tror det er godt for os springryttere, at hun ikke har valgt springsadlen", siger Ludger Beerbaum. 

No doubt that the German Masters event in Stuttgart is = Isabell Werth.

German television program "Sport im Dritten" invited Isabell Werth in the studio to talk about her career and also with a few additional comments from the two German international top jumping riders Ludger Beerbaum (who just ended his own career) and Christian Ahlmann - both with the deep respect for Isabell Werth and her successes.

"I think It's good for us jumping riders that she has not chosen the jumping saddle" says Ludger Beerbaum.