World Cup victory for Danish Malene Kohlschmidt Ebbesen and Mira today at Zakrzow, Polen (video)

Price giving, Malene Kohlschmidt Ebbesen / Mira - private photo

Price giving, Malene Kohlschmidt Ebbesen / Mira - private photo

Danish Malene Kohlschmidt Ebbesen and her 17 yr old Danish Warmblood Mira by Michellino / Cavan took yesterday´s World Cup Grand Prix 2nd place behind Germany´s Uwe Schwanz, and today Malene and "Mivse" just took the victory with 75,400%.

Malene and her husband pro rider German Maik Kohlschmidt are at the moment based at Klosterhof Medingen, where they are running their business from. 

Danish Rikke Svane and Finckenstein TSF were placed as no 8 with 71,800% for today´s freestyle. 

Skærmbillede 2017-10-29 kl. 13.47.34.png