Championship finals for Spanish PRE horses (videos)

Skærmbillede 2017-11-15 kl. 19.03.27.png

Best Spanish horses stands out

From following the Spanish Copa ANCCE championship finals for 4 yr, 5 yr and 6 yr old horses today the overall picture was pretty clear - the winner stood out.

There were clearly quality differences from today´s winners compared to all the other finalists.

From each year the winnners were showing 3 good gaits with the trot as the best gait, and the canter as the weakest. Well ridden and well presented winners.

In general the biggest challenge for the Spanish horses looks like the canter, as you also see the same picture when showing the horses by hand and judging of the confirmation (morfologicos) where the horses in general lacking more volume, carriage and balance for the canter. 

Tomorrow is 7 yr old final where Olympic rider Daniel Martin Docks is favorite for the title with the outstanding Ataturc Duc. They looked super smooth and relaxed for today´s small training.