7 yr old NRW premium stallion Abegglen FH by Ampere / Carabas qualified for Nürnberger Burg-Pokal final (video)

Marcus Hermes and the NRW stallion Abegglen showed good qualities without errors for both the preliminary test and the final qualification in Lübeck this weekend, and they won with impresssive 75,976%. 

From the interview below Marcus Hermes tells that he will also try to qualify Abegglen for the World Championships in Ermelo this year. 

See the results of the entire class here. 

This weekend is Nürnberger Burg-Pokal qualification in Munich, and seen from the entry list it will also be with Danish Warmblood stallion Sezuan and Dorothee Schneider. 

Interview with Marcus Hermes here below.