4th part CDIO Grand Prix in Aachen

Yes Isabell Werth and Weihegold OLD won with impressive 83,171%. Weihegold did from the "side line" look a bit more round, and from the start one might ask for a bit more, but if the feeling at the beginning is that something "lacking" with a bit limited extended trot and bit cautious half passes, then you just have to lean back and enjoy every single passage / piaffe / passage including transitions - this is just impressive. And the way Werth manage to finish every single exercise is truly a study worth - no doubt left.

Laura Graves and Verdades were at the paper the hardest competitors for Werth, but today with some tensions for the piaffe tours and error for the two times series, put the American combination down to the second place with 79,514%. Today´s most beautiful halt with rein back and lovely sit and control for the pirouettes. 

Danish Cathrine Dufour and her Danish Warmblood Atterupgaards Cassidy came in 4th place individual with 77,414%. Eventhough the mood before entering looked a bit tense Dufour had the control the entire test, and Cassidy was very focused about the job. The way Cathrine is able to present and execute every single exercise just make the full picture of what dressage is all about. Only small things are the entering halt with a bit of tension and the half passes where you could ask for a bit more crossing and suppleness in the body, but very well balanced with nice power. 

Swedish Patrik Kittel and Delaunay showed one of their best performances to date with 74,686% individual no 6. Much better uphill open frame, great passage / piaffe / passage tours with smooth transitions, well managed canter tour with nice series.

Spanish Severo Jurado Lopez with Deep Impact were showing great form and a test without any technical errors. Some moments with a bit of tensions, but where Severo with his experience chose for example to let Deep travel slightly forward in the piaffe tours and the keeping the flow without any issues. Well performed canter tour good series, super zig-zag canter and nice pirouettes. Scoring 73,971% indidual no 8.