Bronze for Sweden, Great Britain 4th and The Netherlands 5th

Common for the Swedish, British and Dutch teams were, that they were not showing their absolute strongst teams for Championships.

Sweden was missing Don Auriello, Great Britain was missing their 4th team member, as Don Carissmo substained an injury, and The Netherlands were first missing Glock´s Johnson, then missing Apache, and at the end Dutch media´s writes that Cennin has not been really fit before going to the Championships. 

Bronze medals

But eventhough Sweden manage to get top benefit from their team, with long time team member Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén and Paridon Magi scoring 72,857%, which of course not was a real top medal score and then "anchorman" Patrik Kittel and Delaunay scoring 73,857%. Young Therese Nilshagen and her top horse Dante Weltino OLD provided their personal best and also team best score for Sweden with 74,429%. Unfortunately Rose Mathiesen and Zuidenwind did not show their best for the team performance this time. 

4th place

Bad luck and errors for Spencer Wilton with Super Nova unfortunately kept the "small" British team away from the bronze medal. Super smooth and well balanced controlled test until the first canter pirouette where Super Nova loosing the balance and forward search and then goes into trot. Unfortunately Spencer does not manage to catch the canter again before the change at X as Super Nova keep on trotting - back luck and very expensive. Spencer manage to finish the final centerline in top style eventhough "the battle already was lost". 

5th place

The Dutch team came to Gothenburg with Cennin as their strongest card, but the well moving chestnut stallion was not really strutting his stuff, and looked in general, except the extended trot tours, a bit weak and tired.  

Edward Gal and Glock´s Voice did a strong and clear test, but with some minor issues and his piaffe tours were a bit limited when counting the steps. 

The other teams

Portugal were showing their best team ever for the Championships, and it was great to feel the atmosphere at the grandstands, when the portuguese were cheering and encouraging their team members. A strong team - also for the future, for a small dressage country.

Spain was also very "sore" with the exit from Beatriz Ferrer-Salat and Delgado. Severo Jurado Lopez was of course their best card, and he showed a clear test with some tensions, and his experience never really brings his horse Deep Impact out of the comfort zone. He goes into the Grand Prix Special with a placement individual as no 15. The teammate Claudio Castillo with Alcaide were not really on form, as Alcaide showed clear more moment of unbalances, and Claudio seemed to ride the entire test with "the handbreak". Wonder if he will go for the Grand Prix Special or instead leave his spot for his countryman Jordi Domingo with Mango Statesman who was placed 31, and then just outside the Grand Prix Special. 

All top 5 teams are ready for Grand Prix Special tomorrow.


From the first day Darko of de Niro ZS CH with Charlotte Lenherr from Swiss was stopped by judge at C due to blood in the mouth. 

Yesterday Russian Mister X and Inessa Merkulova were eliminated after the test by bit control showing blood in the mouth. 

And finally Elmegardens Marquis with Joanne Vaughan from Georgia were eliminated as her horse rejected and was spinning more times.