Exciting fields for CDI1 and CDI4 at Darmstadt-Kranichstein in Germany


Both the CDI4 and CDI1 fields are with exciting combinations

CDI4 is with Danish Daniel Bachmann Andersen and his very successful breeding stallion Blue Hors Zack as also the Danish national coach Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein is at at start with her Michellino son M & M´s. 

Danish based Australien rider Simone Pearce is ready with her Vladimyr O.A. and her fellow countryman Hayley Beresford will show her future star Rebana W.

Germany´s Dorothee Schneider will show Fohlenhof´s Rock´n Rose for the GP tour and she will bring the Danish Warmblood trible World Champion Sezuan for the small tour. 

Britains Emma Hindle will bring her Romy de Sol, while the sharp British Spencer Wilton will show his team mate Super Nova II. 

Kristina Bröring-Sprehe will show her Desperados son Destiny OLD for the small tour. 

Tokyo hopes

Spains Morgan Barbancon will show her Sir Donnerhall II and Swedens Patrik Kittel will show his new top star Well Done de la Roche CMF.

The entire event will be available via Clipmyhorse. 

All links are online at H2R calendar.