210.000 euros for Champion stallion at DSP stallion licensing - future ride for Isabell Werth (total list of prices)

Photo credit: DSP-Hengsttage München

Photo credit: DSP-Hengsttage München

H2R top price favorite became Champion stallion 2018 at the licensing in Munich today and also sold for the highest price 210.000 euros til Landgestüt Neustadt-Dosse, and will be under Isabell Werth for the future.

2nd most expensive became the beautiful, expressive and powerful Fürstenball / Stedinger son, sold for 150.000 euros to Austrian top rider Max-Theurer. 

Skærmbillede 2018-01-27 kl. 17.30.20.png
Skærmbillede 2018-01-27 kl. 17.30.03.png