Results at 14 days performance test in Schlieckau (video of OLD Champion stallion 2017 and winner of testing)

Skærmbillede 2018-04-18 kl. 13.30.03.png

Final day at 14 days stallion performance test

When having the chance to follow the young stallions at the performance testing, here just the final day, but still having the possibility to see the qualities from daily training, instead of ex. at shows, the picture of the young horse becomes much more clear. 

For this 14 days test more of the very interesting stallions from last years licensings were represented. 

Is this the way the breeders, owners and riders wants to see a 3 year old top horse presented after 2 weeks testing?  

It is far from a positive impression that this testing leaves. Nearly all the stallions are lacking clear balance, very few of them are actually able to carry themselves, and most of them looks stiff and unmotivated. 

The final day is available via the archive at Clipmyhorse. 

Judge for yourself when watching the performance test winner which is also last autumn´s OLD champion stallion Benefit by Belantis / Sir Tender (video below). 

Skærmbillede 2018-04-18 kl. 12.24.05.png
Skærmbillede 2018-04-18 kl. 12.24.15.png