3 exciting young stallions getting ready for the new season

The foreign breeding societies has already made their decisions and now we are just waiting for Danish Warmblood licensing taking place from 6 - 10 March in Herning.

The Danish breeders will again this year for sure have some of the best stallions to choose from, and among them many new stallions and very exciting bloodlines.

One of the very progressive and enthusiastic stallion owners is Norwegian Kristin Andresen, owner of Danish Warmblood gold medal stallion Hesselhøj Donkey Boy, and the two Hanoverian stallions Romeo and Premium stallion De L´Or.

This year Kristin Andresen will, in cooperation with Danish stallion station Katrinelund and Noagaard riders Sophie Christensen and Jan Møller Christensen, bring two new top youngsters for Herning.

The 4 year old Tophøjs Tebaldo - top mover and colt of the year in Danish Warmblood 2015, and additionally the 3 year old Hanoverian Premium stallion Duke, which showed himself in a convincing style from first step to the appointment as a Premium stallion at the Hanoverian licensing.

The third very interesting stallion for Kristin Andresen this year is Dario. He was also appointed as Premium stallion in Hannover late last year.

The plan for Dario has already been made, and he will stay in Germany to prepare for the spring stallion performance test under Tessa Frank, and he will be available via State Stud Celle, and they are of course very pleased to be able to offer a top Premium stallion by Dancier for the German breeders, as Dancier passed away in 2017 after a severe colic attack. Furthermore is the plan that Tessa Frank is going to try to qualify Dario for the Bundeschampionate.

Dario was spotted by the very experienced Dr. Kerstin Klieber from Dressurstall Sandbrink as a foal at the Hanoverian foal auction, and he was prepared for the licensing in Verden by Arnd Schwierking, where Kristin purchased him over the auction. And Dr. Kerstin Klieber told H2R: “Dario has always shown great qualities and was also a foal really swinging through his body when moving, and I´m very pleased for State Stud Celle that he will be offered through them for the German breeders.”

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