Another outstanding stallion purchased by Helgstrand Dressage and Family Kasprzak


The 2019 Champion stallion by Dream Boy / Sir Donnerhall I from Westfalian stallion licensing was sold at the auction today for 1.900.000 euro to Helgstrand Dressage and Family Kasprzak.

This young stallion stood out from first step together with two other stallions the Revolution / Christ and the Livaldon / Fürstenball, and as non of them were available via the auction it was pretty clear which stallion would take to top price. From the spectators seats it became a close race between the two big Danish studs Helgstrand Dressage and Blue Hors, and at the end with Helgstrand Dressage as the highest bidder.

The Dream Boy son shows super suppleness with power and elegance all the time, with 3 outstanding paces with a surplus for a very very good walk. Can’t to see him at Danish Warmblood stallion licensing in March.

Enjoy some moments for the Champion stallion during the licensing days here below.

From the pre-selection:

Full list of auction prices:
