Clinic at Danish Warmblood stallion show 2020 "A complete horse - the art of preparation"

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One moment in time - two young men with a mission

Spanish international top rider Severo Jurado Lopez and Australian horseman Will Rogers will be our hosts at the 2020 edition of Danish Warmblood stallion show clinic, taking place Thursday 5 March 2020.

Severo and Will are wellknown and highly respected around the World, and the combination of Severo´s knowledge from educating the horse in saddle, with Will´s knowledge starting the education from the ground brings the two experts together for this special clinic evening.

Did you know that Severo and Will actually has been working together for more than a year, learning and inspiring each other towards developing the complete horse? Their common mission is to develop every single horse both mentally and physically in order to reach the full potential.

During the night Will and Severo will explain about their different ways of approaching each horse, and they will of course show how they work together and individually with the horses.

  • What does Severo focus on when sitting in the saddle of a young horse for the first time?

  • What does Will focus on meeting the young horse at the ground for the first time?

  • Which behaviour is easy to handle, and will they be able to fully “read” the horse at first try/handling?

This evening will be much more than development and education of horses, it will also be a possibility to experience two hard working and very dedicated horse people bringing everyone into their daily horse universe.

Asking Severo and Will about which horse they see as “a complete horse”, they say at the same time without hesitation Valegro. The way Valegro was able to at one moment enter the Olympic centerline with full focus and full power to the moments meeting his fans in the middel of Central Park, New York all being able to pat him, and also doing his weekly hacking with a lady in her late 70´s - this is a complete horse.

Severo and Will are ready with a mission - they want to share their experiences with all of us, and surprises will for sure be part of this special clinic evening.

Follow “danskvarmblodshingstekaaring” at Instagram, after New Year Severo and Will are ready with a Q&A session, and video clip where they will reveal small parts from their program for the clinic.

Purchase your tickets today - LINK