VIDEOS - well deserved winners of Nürnberger Burg-Pokal and Louisdor Preis finals

Destacado FRH and Matthias Alexander Rath showed a great winner performance in yesterday’s final at Nürnberger Burg-Pokal on home soil.

Rath and Destacado advanced from 4th position at the preliminary test. Destacado shows super power and suppleness for the trot tour in a very nice balance and frame, superb walk tour with huge over track for the extended walk, active and clear collected walk, good canter but still showing some tensions for the series.

Click at the photo below to watch the 76,268% test.

Sandra Nuxoll with two young top Grand Prix horses and from the preliminary test Bonheur de la Vie by Bordeaux showed power and qualities a winner worthy.

For more of the competitors the clarity and balanced became some of the issues, but for sure a field of more future international Grand Prix horses.

Click at the photo below to watch the 77,140% winner performance.