Laura Tomlinson and her 10 year old mare Rose of Bavaria winner of Grand Prix Special at CDI3 Le Mans

Today’s top 6 with nice performances and exciting horses for the future

Rose of Bavaria/Laura Tomlinson, nice start, good flow half pass, super nice expressive passage, nice half pass, good walk tour, good 1st piaffe, good transitions, 2nd piaffe nice, super transitions, nice half passes canter, super 2 times, error end 1 times, good pirouettes, error 1 times, nice final centerline.

Kontestro DB / Henri Ruoste, super expressive trot / passage tour, supple half passes, good walk tour, nice 1st piaffe at the spot, tensions for 2nd piaffe, nice canter half passes, super series, tensions and bit over turned 1st pirouette, 2nd better control, strong final with super timing.

Erlentanz / Sonnar Murray Brown - showing a solid test, but lacking a bit more over all power today.
