Dortmund Grand Prix without spectators while Keysoe Grand Prix was running without restrictions


The entire World is now effected by the coronavirus, but yesterday both Dortmund in Germany and Keysoe in Great Britain were still running their events.

Dortmund with Grand Prix for Grand Prix freestyle with Ingrid Klimke and Franziskus winning with 75,217%.

2nd was Finnish rider Henri Ruoste with the 10 year old Holsteiner gelding Kontestro shows superb qualities without weaknesses, and all the way very well managed by Ruoste.

Faustus / Dorothee Schneider Dortmund-good start, power diagonal, bit unbalanced half pass right, good halt with rein back, slightly forward trend 1st piaffe, good transitions, bit tense walk, lacking transitions into 2nd piaffe, good 2 times, superb extended canter, errors zigzag, error 1 times, good 1st pirouette, 2nd big, good diagonal, bit travelling final piaffe.

International debuts

Last season successful at YH Grand Prix tour Louisdor, and yesterday Lena Waldmann and 11 year old stallion Fiderdance by Fidertanz / Don Schufro made their international debut showing an overall well balanced test, with some minor technical issues. (71,712% - 4th place)

Also 12 year old Westfalian stallion Den Haag with Isabell Werth made their international debut together, after just a short time together. (69.973% - 11th place)

Den Haag/Isabell Werth - good trot tour, bit limited extensions, nice half passes, good halt with rein back, good 1st piaffe bit unbalanced out, good walk tour, better activity for 2nd piaffe, bit swing 2 times, error zigzag, more errors 1 times, lost balance out 1st pirouette, 2nd better, good final piaffe lack more fluency out.

Keysoe with another strong British top of the class

Super Nova (Keysoe GBR) - super halt, good diagonal, smooth half passes, nice halt with rein back, easy 1st piaffe super transitions and super passage, superb walk tour, directly into passage, bit tensions for 2nd piaffe travels forward, bit tense into canter, super 2 times, good extended canter, well balanced zigzag, good 1 times, lack bit more control 1st pirouette, 2nd better, good transition to trot, good diagonal, good final centerline. 75,652%

Erlentanz (GBR Keysoe) - small step back entering halt, power diagonal, active balanced half passes, good halt with rein back, superb into passage, good piaffe, expressive bouncy passage, nice extended walk, bit unbalanced rhythm for collected walk, good 2nd piaffe, superb transition to canter, nice 2 times, super 1 times, well balanced pirouettes, good diagonal, nice final centerline. 74,261%

Rubin Al Asad / Lara Butler - resting right hind for the halt, good diagonal, good half passes, good halt with rein back, good diagonal, super into passage, smooth passage, good piaffe, nice transitions, bit short extended walk, good collected walk, nice piaffe good transitions, nice into canter, good 2 times, good extended canter, good zigzag, good 1 times, well balanced and controlled pirouettes, good transtion to trot, nice diagonal, smooth final centerline.

Fiona Bigwood back with new young talented Dante Weltino gelding

Daytona Platinum / Fiona Bigwood-bit open halt, expressive diagonal, supple half passes, open halt good rein back, power diagonal, good passage lost transition into piaffe, good piaffe lack more power out, good walk tour, same for 2nd piaffe tour, good into canter, bit tense hind for some 2 times, good diagonal, good zigzag, good 1 times, lack bit more control for 1st pirouette, 2nd much better, good diagonal, does not really keep the power for transitions into and out of piaffe. 

Lovely 9 year old by Dante Weltino just lacking some more strength and experience.
