End of 2022 World Ranking with double individual World Champions Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale as no 1

Big jump directly into leading position for Glamourdale from being 70 at the FEI World Ranking. Charlotte Fry also made it to the very top from 4th position. Lottie is now the only rider having two horses in top 10 as Everdale is now placed no 9.

Former leader of the World Ranking TSF Dalera BB drops to 50 while Jessica von Bredow-Werndl is now at 5th position.

Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour stays at 2nd position. Vamos Amigos drops from 2nd position to 45.

Both Salvino and Andrienne Lyle (USA) with big steps forward. Salvino from 259 to 32, while Adrienne moved up the ranking from 237 to 26.

Blue Hors St. Schufro goes from 194 to 17th position.