More Nürnberger Burg-Pokal combinations testing the form today at Agravis Cup, Oldenburg

7 yr old stallion Lord Europe with Leonie Richter winner of S* today in Oldenburg

It was kind of “general test” for the up-coming Nürnberger Burg-Pokal final taking place in December in Frankfurt, as today´s top 5 are all qualified for thd finals and combination placed 6 are reserves for the final.

Lord Europe and Leonie Richter is for sure a lovely combination, super supple and expressive trot tour, the walk is good but could show a bit more suppleness, the collected canter itself is not always shown in a clear three beat, but the quality of the series is very nice including straightness and uphill tendency. Only one minor issues for today´s test was slightly missing the impulsion into the 2nd canter half pirouette.

Placed 2nd Beata Stremler with For Magic Equesta FRH with lightness and correctness all the way without any technical issues. Only tiny thing was entering halt with the hind quaters bit to the right on the line. Lovely power from behind in the trot, light contact with steady foaming mouth, good supple active walk tour, good quaity of the canter and with nice balanced half pirouettes and good serie. For the day a surplus in H2R opinion.

Today with the final (7-9 year old horses) starting 13.30 - Preis des Fördervereins des Oldenburger Verbandes, as Prix St. Georg Special.

Placed combinations: