Grand Prix Special, U25 Grand Prix and Nürnberger Burg-Pokal qualifier today in Balve

Would Fendi and Sönke be able to beat Dalera and Jessica again today?

A this level there is often no room for errors and this was also the fact today between gold and silver.

It might have been a big surprice with yesterday´s Grand Prix victory for Sönke Rothenberger with his 9 year old Danish Warmblood Fendi T by Franklin/Diamond, but it definitely brought them in favorite position for today´s gold medal. Until the one times at the diagonal they were showing a performance for a gold medal, but unfortunately two big errors for the diagonal and again for the one time at the centerline just made the difference between gold and silver today.

A bit incomprehensible that judge at C today Mrs Evi Eistenhardt saw Sönke and Fendi at 6th position! the rest of the judging team saw them at 2nd position.

H2R comments during their tests about top 3:

TSF Dalera BB & Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - Some issue for left hind and right front for entering halt lifting, power diagonal, good half pass left, good into passage, well balanced extension, super passage at short side, nice half pass right, good into passage, power extension, super back to passage, trend 80,7%, ok extended walk tour, unbalanced rhythm for collected walk, good sit for 1st piaffe lack mit more of the ground, nice transitions, super 2nd piaffe incl. transitions smooth, early transition to canter, well balanced zigzag canter, nice 2 times, nice 1 times, good extended canter, well balanced 1st pirouette, good 1 times, bit big 2nd pirouette, nice into trot, small lack of beat for extension, super final centerline. WINNER PERFORMANCE 83,245%

Fendi T & Sönke Rothenberger - Super entry halt, well balanced diagonal, super side picture, supple half pass left uphill balance, nice into passage at C, active of the ground passage, nice extension super back up into passage, smooth half pass right tiny lack of bend at end, passage is TOP, balanced out into extended trot, passage from behind, need more let go and suppleness for extended walk, bit tense collected walk, tiny tensions 1st piaffe, 2nd bit tense but huge sit, tiny tension for transition to canter, trend 81%, good half passes, big 2 times tiny swing, error begin and end 1 times diagonal, power extended canter super change, super sit and balance 1st pirouette, error 1 times, bit unbalanced 2nd pirouette, good into trot, power long side, super expression, top final centerline. 79,882%

Duke of Britain FRH & Frederic Wandres - Good trot tour, passage lacking for some moments a bit more clear push from behind, piaffe tours supple bouncy sit WOW, easy transitions, trend 78%, error 2 times, ok 1 times bit tense hind, big pirouettes lack more balance, super final centerline. 78,627%

The German “next generation” is ready

Sönke Rothenberger and Fendi T are representing the next generation of the German team and together with his sister Semmieke with Flanell, Katharina Hemmer with Denoix and Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock with Florine OLD. They will for sure push the “old ladies” when it comes to Olympics 2024.

U25 - Semmieke

Rothenberger clearly in front also at U25 today. Super test from Semmieke without any technical issues and highlights for piaffe and passage tours. Well deserved Champion.

Nürnberger Burg-Pokal

Germany´s most prestigious young horse tour is the Nürnberger Burg-Pokal series. This year with 8 events for the qualification with 4 extra spots with combinations placed 2nd with highest procentage.

Today Dorothee Schneider with Escalito in front with a ticket for the final, but 2nd placed was Florine Kienbaum with 9 year old trakehner gelding Nautilus by Connery / Latimer with a super score of 74,756%, temporary best 2nd place score which brings them to the finals.