Glamourdale and Lottie were shining in pouring rain yesterday - their final show before Riesenbeck

Last competition before the European Championships for double Gold World Champion combination Glamourdale and Charlotte Fry at this weekends CDI3 at Peelbergen in the Netherlands.

And they are definitely ready to shine at another Championship, hopefully in better weather conditions than for yesterday´s Grand Prix Special. The big black stallion shows his Incredible obedience and qualities together with Lottie Fry, without any doubt doing his job all the way regardless the rain was pouring down - they just kept on doing their stuff together.

Super winner tests for both the Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special with 79,544% and 81,085%

CAN´T WAIT TO SEE THIS COMBINATION AT THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS in Riesbeck taking place from 4 - 10 September.