Nicolas Wagner and Quater Back Junior winner of CDI4 Grand Prix in Lier, Belgium


Nicolas showing an effortless test without any technical issues, unfortunately Quater Back Junior is shown very bended in the entire body to the left especially for the piaffe tours. The first transition out of piaffe lacking more clear flow, and the one times could show more spaciousness over the entire diagonal. Both pirouettes are show with nice sit and balance.

2nd placed was Dutch Anne Meulendijks with MDH Avanti N.O.P. They were showing a nice trot tour with good flow and expression, the first piaffe with a bit unstable contact, 2nd piaffe nice with nice transitions, end of zigzag with a small change hind and in the middle of the one times a single change with parallel hind, both pirouettes lacking more correctness and balance.

3rd placed was Diederik van Silfhout with Expression N.O.P. All three halts were very open in the frame. Good flow in the trot tour, in general there is to big difference between the activity front and hind for piaffe and passage tours which makes a very difficult picture, as the rhythm also lack more clear balance. The walk need more relaxation over the back. The highlights were both series with nice ground cover. The canter pirouettes lack more suppleness from behind and missing more active canter rhythm.

Below here the top of the class. See the entire results here.


Forebyggende karantæne mod herpesvirus

Nyhed på DVHERNING.DK i dag

Danske heste, der har deltaget i Norwegian Horse Festival sættes nu i 21 dages karantæne, en karantæne som også omfatter staldens øvrige heste. Der var en norsk hest til start ved stævnet, som det nu har vist sig, har herpesvirus. Det betyder disse heste ikke kan starte i Herning


I sidste weekend deltog danske heste i Norwegian Horse Festival i Lillestrøm, Norge. Under stævnet blev der torsdag identificeret en hest med feber, lette luftvejssymptomer og neurologiske symptomer. Hesten blev straks fjernet fra stævnepladsen.

Dansk Ride Forbund fik information om hændelsen mandag morgen og informerede straks alle danske deltagere om, at deres heste skal i karantæne i minimum 10 dage, hvor der skal tages temperatur på hestene, og de skal overvåges for symptomer på feber, snot eller hoste.

I dag er der fra stævneledelsen i Norge offentliggjort prøvesvar fra den syge hest. Prøvesvaret viser, at den er positiv for herpesvirus 1. Det medfører, at karantænen for heste, der har deltaget i Norwegian Horse Festival forlænges til 21 dage. Karantænen gælder for alle heste opstaldet på samme staldområde (matrikel).

I karantæneperioden skal der tages temperatur på hestene. Temperaturen skal være under 38.3. Hvis der er øget temperatur eller tegn på snot, hoste eller neurologiske symptomer, bør egen dyrlæge kontaktes.

Hvis ingen heste i stalden viser tegn på feber, snot eller hoste indenfor 21 dage efter hjemkomst ophæves karantænen.

Der gøres opmærksom på, at der ikke er registreret nogen syge heste efter hjemkomsten fra stævnet i Norge, karantænen skal derfor udelukkende ses som en forebyggende foranstaltning i forhold til en alvorlig smitsom sygdom, er udmeldingen fra Den Danske Dyrlægeforening - Faggruppe Heste, SEGES Heste og Dansk Ride Forbund som samarbejdet tæt om sagen.


Hvad med Dansk Varmblods hingstekåring?

Det største event i hesteverdenen herhjemme, Dansk Varmblods Hingstekåring i Herning, starter i næste uge fra den 6. – 10. marts. Og direktør Casper Cassøe understreger, at fagfolk har fulgt situationen i Norge tæt, og den hurtige reaktion fra Dansk Ride Forbund har betydet, at de heste, der har været til start i Norge omgående, er gået i karantæne. Og hverken de, eller de øvrige heste fra samme stald, får adgang til stævnet og kåringen i Herning. Det gælder alle heste, danske som udenlandske, der har været til start i Norge.

– Vi har iværksat en større indtjeknings procedure i Herning. På alle deltagende danske heste skal der medbringes en erklæring, hvor rytteren/hesteejeren bekræfter, at hesten er fulgt tæt i perioden op til ankomsten til Herning med to daglige temperaturmålinger. Også de internationale heste bliver synet af en dyrlæge inden de får adgang til staldene, fortæller Casper Cassøe.

Økonomisk bliver dette dog en bet for Dansk Varmblod, med et tab i omegnen af en halv million kr. i startindskud. Beklageligt, men som Casper Cassøe understreger: – Hestenes sundhed går frem for alt, og er der den mindste risiko, så tager vi ingen chancer.

– Sportsligt kommer vi ikke til at mærke en forskel i de internationale klasser, der kommer rekord mange starter, og rigtig mange store profiler. Men denne karantæne rammer bredt, og mange ryttere er kede af ikke at kunne komme til Herning. Vi havde naturligvis også gerne set dem i konkurrence under stævnet, men både de og vi er klar over sagens alvor, og respekterer og bakker op om beslutningen fra Den Danske Dyrlægeforening - Faggruppe Heste, SEGES Heste og Dansk Ride Forbund, slutter Casper Cassøe.


Om herpesvirus
Herpesvirus er en sygdom, som har eksisteret i mange år, både det der kaldes type 1 og type 4. De fleste heste har herpesvirus i kroppen, i særlige tilfælde kan virus genaktiveres og få hesten til at udskille smitte eller blive syg. Derfor kan herpesvirus ikke udryddes, og man vil altid se enkelte heste blive spontant syge indimellem.

Herpesvirus 1 forårsager feber, luftvejslidelser, lammelser og eventuelt abort hos drægtige hopper. Sygdommen starter oftest som en luftvejsinfektion med feber og hoste. Efter ca. 2 uger kan der tilstøde lammelser.

Herpesvirus 1 smitter primært som dråbeinfektion fra luftvejene ved såvel direkte kontakt fra hest til hest samt indirekte kontakt via tøj, skotøj, trailer, foder og udstyr til heste osv. Der kan også forekomme smitte fra andre legemsvæsker.

Full live stream from Danish Warmblood stallion show and competitions next week

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Full live streaming for all foreign viewer

If your not able to attend Danish Warmblood stallion show, starting Wednesday 6 March and finish Sunday 10 March you have the possibility to watch the entire stallion licensing, CDI4 competitions and Young Horse Championships via Clipmyhorse.

Remember the Spring Auction is available for FREE for all viewers.

Live stream schedule:

15 Sezuan offsprings ready for Danish Warmblood Young Horse Championship in Herning

Sezuan and Patrik Kittel during Danish Warmblood stallion show 2018 - photo credit: H2R

Sezuan and Patrik Kittel during Danish Warmblood stallion show 2018 - photo credit: H2R

37 young Danish Warmblood horses qualifies during last autumn at region event will take part in the final during Danish Warmblood stallion show.

The days in Herning for the young horses are:

  • Day 1 - familiarisation with three horses in the arena at the same time and judging of the basic gaits.

  • Day 2 - preliminary 5 year old test with own rider.

  • Day 3 - 24 best horses from the two first days will pass on to test riding by Swedish international rider Patrik Kittel (Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning).

It looks like a very Interesting field of young horses this year showing super qualities at local events before the final.

Entries for 2019 final of Danish Warmblood Young Horse Championship:.


Cathrine Dufour looking very much forward to CDI4 comeback with Atterupgaards Cassidy

Cathrine Dufour and Atterupgaards Cassidy - photo credit: H2R

Cathrine Dufour and Atterupgaards Cassidy - photo credit: H2R

Home soil in Herning

For both the Dufour with Cassidy and the audience the comeback on home soil in Herning at the CDI4 event during Danish Warmblood stallion show will be something very special.

The now 16 year old Atterupgaards Cassidy is ready for comeback at the big international scene in Herning in less than 2 weeks. Atterupsgaards Cassidy and Cathrine Dufour was unfortunately forced to withdraw a short time before leaving for last years WEG in Tryon due to a minor injury. Last time they showed was in Aachen back in July 2018.

Already in the autumn Cassidy was fit for fight again, but Cathrine felt that it was better to keep him home bringing him back to top form before entering the scene again. And with the opportunity to be able to show him again in front of all his Danish fans, the mark in the calendar was made.

Dufour and Cassidy is at the moment no 14 at the World Ranking, while the other Danish international top combination Daniel Bachmann Andersen with Blue Hors Zack is no 11 at the World Ranking.

“Cassidy is such a special boy for me and of course he will have everything special. Our training together with national coach Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein feels very good, and even though we know each other very well now, there are always details to work on - I love the eyes from Nathalie on the ground”, tells Cathrine.

“Herning is BIG, and for me this year will be extra exciting as I will do a clinic Thursday evening, and here I’ve already been asking my followers on Instagram for some topics they want me to explain, and of course I will try to catch some of them during the clinic. The first part will be with two students and second part I will bring Bohemian to show how I build up my training. I’m top excited for this evening,” says Cathrine.

Additionally Cathrine will bring her talented 5 year old gelding Sauterne by Sezuan for the Young Horse Championship.

CDI4 Grand Prix is scheduled to Friday (8/3) at 8.30, while the CDI4 Grand Prix freestyle is Sunday (10/3) at 14.45.

All links will be available via H2R calendar.

FOCUS HORSES - By Vincent Maranello - Danish Warmblood Spring Auction

Among the exclusive collection for the 2019 Danish Warmblood Spring Auction are more young stallions selected for the licensing.

For this collection the Blue Hors Zack son Vincent Maranello is represented with three offsprings. All three with correct confirmation, nice uphill frame and active movements with clear beat for all three gaits.

The stallion Maskedal kind of Magic already caught H2R from the pre-selection, showing a superb well balanced canter both by the presentation free and for the lunging.

A top charming and very appealing horse, with a fashionable look and an adorable face. Maskedal Kind of Magic works with a good technique and suppleness in the trot and a rythmic and ground covering walk. His canter is a class of its own and lives up to the name of "Kind of Magic". With its immense uphill tendency and a lot of air time, there are not many horses that can compeed with that. An exciting horse for the future.
Masksdals a kind of magic is selected for the 2019 Danish Warmblood licensing.

Video clip from pre-selection:

Check out videos and description direct at the full collection, also from the other two very interesting Vincent Maranello offsprings from the collection.



Esben Møller has chosen to resign from his position at Blue Hors

News at today


Esben Møller, responsible for breeding at Blue Hors, resigns from his position

Esben could celebrate his 25th anniversary at Blue Hors in December last year, and he has been very important in relation to the positive development that Blue Hors has shown over the years. It is therefore with regret that our cooperation now stops. 

All external partners, who have had contact with Esben, may contact Martin Klavsen, on telephone +45 2912 0509, or Ole Magnus Petersen on phone +45 2922 8889.

Ole Magnus Petersen, Director, Blue Hors 

Entries online for Danish Warmblood Stallion Show in Herning 6 - 10 March


In less than 2 weeks Danish Warmblood will host a fantastic 40 year anniversary.

The entries are now online:

Young Horse Championship - dressage

Dressage stallions for licensing

Presentation of licensed stallions

Here you find the entire schedule for the stallion licensing and the Young Horse Championships.

Remember you can purchase your next Danish Warmblood at the Spring Auction

VIDEO af hele Intermediaire I klassen - Det lyser altid ud af Anne Troensegaard når hun er godt tilfreds

Anne Troensegaard jubler efter veludført tur - photo credit: H2R

Anne Troensegaard jubler efter veludført tur - photo credit: H2R

Igen i dag placeret som nr. 5 til Norwegian Horse Festival

Selvom det ikke helt var det her udtryk hos Anne efter dagens internationale Intermediaire I debut, så var det alligevel en meget tilfreds Anne efter turen. “Han prøver virkelig det bedste han har lært, og kæmper med hele vejen, også selvom der indløber nogle småfejl under vejs i dag. Det er hårdt at være debutant ude i den store verden, og lige nu har Fürstenblick endnu ikke fundet roen til at lægge sig ned og slappe af i boksen. Nu gælder det om at stramme balderne i morgen til küren,” fortæller Anne.

Begge DV hestene Zarina VG og Greven Zorro var placeret i dagens klasse.

Desværre blev det ikke til start for Selina og Atterupgaards Kawasaki i dag, da han ikke var helt med på spøgen allerede ude på opvarmningsbanen. Fornuftigt valgte Selina ikke at komme til start.

Se resultatet af klassen her.

Flyt timeline til 17:30 for at se Anne og Fürstenblick´s tur i dag.

VIDEO of the entire class - Danish Warmblood victory in CDI3 Prix Sct. Georg at Norwegian Horse Festival today

International debut victory

Norwegian Siril Helljesen and her 10 year old Danish Warmblood mare Zarina VG by Blue Hors Zack / Caletto III won the Prix Sct. Georg with 70,706%. Zarina is bred by Birgitte and Mogens Kløve-Mogensen, Stutteri Volstrupgaard.

Siril Helljesen actually sold Rosenstolz (today with Qabil Ambak) to Helgstrand Dressage. She was then searching for a new talented horse, and went back later and purchased Zarina at Helgstrand Dressage. Zarina was former educated and competed successfully under Danish Carina Cassøe Krüth.

Siril was of course very happy about the international debut together with Zarina, and she is quite familiar with Danish Warmblood horses as her first international Grand Prix horses Dorina by Blue Hors Don Schufro also was Danish Warmblood. Next step for Siril and Zarina is hopefullyGrand Prix debut later this year, tell Siril.

Anne Troensegaard - photo credit: H2R

Anne Troensegaard - photo credit: H2R

Placed 5th

Best Danish combination was Anne Troensegaard with the 9 year old Danish Warmblood gelding Fürstenblick by Fürstenball / Bernstein, bred by Hanne Nielsen. It was international debut for Fürstenblick. They showed a lot of nice qualities, but at the same time it became with some tensions during the test today with a bit big eyes in one corner, and the walk tour where Fürstenblick needed more let go and relaxation in the body. The canter tour with a small issue for the change after the half passes, but from there a clear canter tour.

It became an unfortunate international debut for Danish based Norwegian rider Selina Vittinghus with Atterupgaards Kawasaki, as he did not like the judging tables and was spinning before the start, and then actually did a very nice test until the first canter exercise towards the judging table where he was spinning again.

More Danish Warmblood

It was a field with more Danish Warmblood horses as 3rd placed Grevens Zorro by Blue Hors Zack / Blue Hors Hertug with Finnish rider Anna Tallberg, bred by Dorrit Greve og Svend Skov Poulsen, and also Felicia by Florencio / Zardin Firfod with Norwegian Grete Bergstrøm, bred by Vibeke Wethje.