Successful 4 month in USA for Helgstrand Dressage riders Anne-Marie and Kenneth

Anne-Marie Hosbond Berthelsen and Kenneth Damgaard

Anne-Marie Hosbond Berthelsen and Kenneth Damgaard

4 month adventure comes to an end

“It has been a super cool experience in many ways. This is the first time we've been in the US and the first time we've experienced Wellington, which is the answer of Disney World for horses. We've got many new relations from all over the world, it's really great to expand our network. There are many different ways of equestrian sport here, polo, hunting, western and rodeo - all new to us, and a great way of enjoying your time together with your horses and horse friends.

It has been a huge success for Helgstrand Dressage this year, we have sold many horses, and we can see horses coming from Helgstrand are doing very well at the competitions with their new owners.

Back in January Helgstrand Dressage held an Open House where about 600 people attended. One of my personal highlights were riding at the masterclass for Isabell Werth at the huge dressage stadium fully sold out and with so many excited spectators.

Its definitely been a busy time combined with a great new experience and adventure for both Kenneth and myself,” tells Anne-Marie.

Kenneth Damgaard with Nexolia Feodoro and happy owner Vicky Lavoie. (private photo)

Kenneth Damgaard with Nexolia Feodoro and happy owner Vicky Lavoie. (private photo)

Success at competitions

Both Anne-Marie and Kenneth has been out competing customers' horses (previously purchased at Helgstrand Dressage) with great success.

Anne-Marie and the 7 year old mare Nexolia Fiesta Danza OLD by Fürstenball / Weltmeyer has been undefeated during the season in Wellington, and lately Kenneth was showing the 8 year old Nexolia Feodoro by Fürstenball / Rosario, both horses owned by Vicky Lavoie.

“Feodoro and Kenneth just scored an incredible 82.838% today 💪💪👏👏👏🎉🎉

I was entered to show him myself but got a stomach bug this morning and asked Kenneth to show him instead. As feodoro is my favourite and personal horse, I don’t usually let other people on him 😁 So Kenneth had only ridden him once for 10 minutes in the past. This test is an incredible testament to his riding skills. True art.”

Jacob Nørby Sørensen successful with Danish Warmblood horses at international event in Finland

Ellegaardens San Droneur & Jacob Nørby Sørensen

Ellegaardens San Droneur & Jacob Nørby Sørensen

Ypäjä CDI3 with Danish Warmblood success

Friday Jacob and the 8 year old Danish Warmblood gelding Ellegaardens San Droneur by San Amour / De Noir bred by Stine Imhoff Testrup took the 2nd place in Prix Sct. Georg with 69,235%, and today they won the Intermediaire I with 70,235%.

Saturday Jacob made his debut at international Grand Prix and came 2nd with 70,696% with another Danish Warmblood, the 9 year old gelding Møgelbjergs Romeo by Blue Hors Rush Hour / Blue Hors Don Romantic, bred by Jytte & Hans Knudsen.

It was of course a very pleased Jacob Nørby Sørensen after his successful weekend in Finland. “I’m very happy with both my horses, they’ve both developed very well, and for Romeo it was his first ever Grand Prix, and he did such a great job, he just need to become an adult and getting more strength, he does not have any weaknesses for this level, and we’ve been working solid the last year for this debut, as I’ve also shown him successfully at national Inter II level last year” tells a very happy Jacob.

Intermédiaire I - Sunday


Dufour Club arrangement i Taps Rideklub i Christiansfeld på mandag


Taps Rideklub & Cathrine Dufours klub - Dufour Club - inviterer indenfor til en aften i stævnets tegn. Aftenens program kommer omkring alt fra forberedelse op mod de store stævner, mentaltræning før man rider på banen til opfølgning på gode og mindre gode ture!

Sidste mandag i marts byder Cathrine sine trofaste følgere ind bag kulisserne, når hun åbner op for hemmeligheden bag sin success rundt om til verdens dressurstævner.

Efter et fantastisk comeback på Cassidy i Herning og en clinic der fik mange fine ord med på vejen er Cathrine Dufour nu klar med endnu et event til det dressur-elskende folk. Ord Cathrine fik med på vejen var blandt andet:

Pia Hansen skriver på Facebook: ​Super clinic og massere af tips til daglig træning, tusind tak!

Carina Jensen skriver ligeledes: ​Nøj hvor var det en mega inspirerende aften. Min datter på 13 skrev og skrev. Og tantastroppen er indkøbt. Jeg elsker den positive tilgang. Ros ros og atter ros. At hesten ikke knækkes ned. Respekt herfra.

Men i Dufour Club er det ikke kun Cathrine der deler guldkorn ud. Medlemmerne i Dufour Club er i høj grad frontløbere når det handler om at dele viden og revolutionere ridesporten. Målet er at ALLE der har viljen og arbejdslysten har mulighed for at nå helt til toppen - præcis ligesom Cathrine Dufour selv har gjort det.

Klubben er derfor i høj grad et opgør med den manglende vidensdeling i sporten, hvor mange oftest holder kortene tæt ind til kroppen.

“​Jeg er helt flyvende efter den fede oplevelse i Herning! Kan næsten ikke vente til at møde de mange seje mennesker til min næste klubaften og forhåbentlig bliver vi allesammen klogere!”​ udtaler Cathrine Dufour.

Det er anden gang Cathrine gæster Taps Rideklub, hvor første gang var til arrangementet “Fra Pony til Pro” som blev holdt i efteråret 2018.

“​Taps Rideklub gjorde det bare så godt sidst, så vi var naturligvis nødt til at komme tilbage! Det engagement og den store passion for sporten er vildt fed at mærke, så jeg glæder mig meget til at komme tilbage​!” siger Cathrine med et stort smil.

Aftenens program byder både på en mini clinic v. udvalgt rytter (navn offentliggøres senere) samt oplæg omkring hvad der skal til for at få en god oplevelse til stævnet.

Cathrine Dufour har redet og vundet adskillige Danmarks og Europamesterskaber i dressur. I 2016 red hun OL for første gang og har netop gjort comeback i Herning på stjerne-hesten Atterupgaards Cassidy.

Arrangementet afholdes Taps Rideklub, Åstorpvej 86, 6070 Christiansfeld og det officielle program starter kl. 18.00 - 21.00. Det fulde program og billetter til arrangementet kan findes her:

2019 season for the prestigious Nürnberger Burg-Pokal is ready

Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 10.19.33.png

Top competition for 7-9 year old horses at Prix St. Georg level

This is a competition where you will see the best young horses at small tour level reaching the final in December.

Only the winner combination from each place will get a ticket for the final, and during the years there has been many very attractive horses going through this Nürnberger Burg-Pokal tournament. Ex Vitalis with Isabel Freese in 2016 and Weihegold OLD with Beatrice Buchwald in 2013.


Germany also ready with selections days for WCYH in Ermelo

World Champion 6 year old horses in 2018 D´avie with Severo Jurado Lopez - photo credit. H2R

World Champion 6 year old horses in 2018 D´avie with Severo Jurado Lopez - photo credit. H2R

The first German observation for 2019 WCYH in Ermelo start 18 June with free training, the following day 19 June they must show the FEI preliminary test for 5 year old, 6 year old or 7 year old. At the end of the day the disicion is made which combinations are ready for the final selection. The selection is based on the impressions from both the training and performance of the test.

The final selection day is 2 July, here they must ones again show the test (FEI final test) for 5 year old, 6 year old or 7 year old horses.

De første skridt mod VM for ungheste i dressur rides under Equitour DM

Fiontini & Severo Jurado Lopez - foto: H2R

Fiontini & Severo Jurado Lopez - foto: H2R

Del af nyhed på i dag

Udtagelsen finder sted på den nyanlagte Pavo & Back on Track Arena, hvor der er mulighed for at følge ekvipagerne fra siddepladser på tilhørende tribune. Arenaen samt omgivelserne til Equitour DM giver dommerne bedre mulighed for at bedømme de unge hestes reaktioner i store rammer, som de også vil møde til UVM i Ermelo.

De unge heste vil blive bedømt af dommerne Gunilla Nyman Faurby og Birthe Lyder Nielsen samt berider Dennis Fisker.

På førstedagen lørdag den 8. juni 2019 rides det alderssvarende Indledende FEI-program. Anden dagen søndag den 9. juni 2019 rides det alderssvarende Finale FEI-program, hvorefter der udtages 8 ekvipager pr. årgang til den endelige udtagelse på Vilhelmsborg den 2. juli 2019.
Udtagelsesklasserne til UVM i Ermelo er kun åbne for DV- og TAF-registrerede heste. Umiddelbart efter afvikling af anden dagens ridt, vil det blive annonceret, hvilke ekvipager der inviteres til den endelige udtagelse.

Tilmelding til udtagelsesstævnet under Equitour DM:

Tilmelding via boksbestilling sker gennem DRF Go. Der skal altså bestilles boks for at deltage i udtagelsen. Boksleje kr. 1.600,- for alle dage, alt inkl.
Alle skal desuden fremsende udfyldt tilmeldingsskema, som kan findes på de avlsforbund DV og TAF’s hjemmesider. Her oplyses blandt andet hestens livsnummer samt kontaktinfo på rytter/ejer, således at relevant info kan tilgå ejere/ekvipager.

Tilmeldingsskema skal fremsendes senest den 19. maj 2019 til Ane Marie Jensen:

I øvrigt opfordres til at man melder til i god tid – og senest den 19. maj 2019.
Efteranmeldinger kan ikke påregne at få plads, men vil blive sat på en venteliste.

UVM-udvalget 2019:

Spørgsmål mv. bedes rettet til:
Ane Marie Jensen
Suzi Fischer Sørensen

Andreas Helgstrand planning comeback at the international Grand Prix scene

World Champion 5 year old horses Revolution and Andreas Helgstrand 2018 - photocredit: Lily Forado

World Champion 5 year old horses Revolution and Andreas Helgstrand 2018 - photocredit: Lily Forado

Back in January Andreas Helgstrand purchased three top horses from Sylvain Massa the founder of the French Lusitano stud Massa Horses, one of them Addict de Massa by San Amour / LUS dam line. Over the years the combination of Warmblood & Lusitano has been successfully developed from Massa Horses, and of course this fact also caught the attention from Andreas Helgstrand.

With 10 year anniversary for Helgstrand Dressage coming up, it is now time for Helgstrand himself getting back at Grand Prix level. Over the past years Andreas and Helgstrand Dressage has been very successful at the World Championship for Young Horses, and now Andreas is ready for a comeback at the Grand Prix scene. This weekend he will enter a national show in Denmark, Vejle at the Intermediaire II.

Andreas tells about the 9 year old stallion Addict de Massa: ”It is a horse with the entire package including top qualities for piaffe and passage, and he really wants to work and do his best every time, so I’m really excited about getting back competing at Grand Prix level, and hopefully I will be back for the big arenas in the near future”, says a big smiling Andreas Helgstrand.

Below you can watch Addict De Massa with Andreas Helgstrand during Danish Warmblood Gala Show, including Ulf Helgstrand senior and Alexander Helgstrand junior.

VIDEO - Charlotte Fry and KWPN stallion Everdale winner of U25 freestyle at s´Hertogenbosch

British U25 rider Charlotte Fry, based at Van Olst Horses continue her successes

This weekend Charlotte and Everdale were ready for CDIU25 at s´Hertogenbosch. For the U25 Grand Prix they came 3rd with a very solid and expressive test until an issue at the end of the one times and then Charlotte was struggling for the final transition to trot at the centerline.

For the freestyle they were showing a very strong test, superb passage with lot of expression of the ground, active piaffe with good sit and clear active beat with nice transitions, supple half passes, good walk tour, unfortunately a small mistake for both their two times, nice pirouettes and one times.

You can see Everdale live at Exloo March 22 and at Den Hout April 21 for the stallion shows.

Watch the winning U25 Grand Prix freestyle here below.

For all informations about Van Olst Sales - click at the banner


VIDEOS - Skovens Rafael Danish Warmblood Stallion of the Year 2019

Danish Warmblood Stallion of the Year 2019 is ones again with a stallion successful in the sport himself at the highest level, and a top producer of sport horses. At the moment his most frequented son is the Swedish bred Springbank II VH with De Niro as dam sire ridden by Severo Jurado Lopez.

Springbank II VH is now 5 year old and will for sure be among the young horses for World Championship in Ermelo later this year.

Herpes virus 1 - OPDATERING 14. marts 2019 fra SEGES


Herpesvirus1, opdatering 14. marts 2019

Der er desværre igen konstateret et tilfælde af Herpesvirus1 i Danmark, lokaliseret i Fredericia. Hestene i bedriften er sat i karantæne i 28 dage i henhold til anbefaling fra bedriftens dyrlæge.

Karantæneperioden beregnes altid fra sidste syge hest på stedet er raskmeldt. Det vil sige at alle symptomer på feber, hoste, snot o.l. er ophørt hos alle heste i bedriften.

I forbindelse med karantæneforanstaltninger kan det opleves, at hesteejere ønsker at flytte heste væk fra en karantæneramt stald. Der opfordres til varsomhed i den forbindelse, idet man viderebringer den potentielle risiko for smitte til en ny stald og andre heste.

Flytning af heste frarådes derfor generelt. Hvis man vælger at flytte heste væk fra en karantæne, vil stedet, man flytter til, ligeledes blive underlagt karantæne af samme længde, som stalden man flytter fra.

Fakta om Herpesvirus1:

Herpesvirus 1 forårsager feber, luftvejslidelser, lammelser og eventuelt abort hos drægtige hopper. Sygdom- men starter oftest som en luftvejsinfektion med feber og hoste. Efter ca. 2 uger kan der tilstøde lammelser.

Herpesvirus 1 smitter primært som dråbeinfektion fra luftvejene ved såvel direkte kontakt fra hest til hest samt indirekte kontakt via tøj, skotøj, trailer, foder og udstyr til heste osv. Der kan også forekomme smitte fra andre legemsvæsker.

Vaccination kan foretages mod typer af herpesvirus, men dækker ikke optimalt mod herpesvirus 1.

Hestens herpesvirus 1 smitter i øvrigt ikke mennesker.

Hvordan håndteres det når der er sygdom i stalden? – Anbefalinger

En høj grad af ansvarlighed og åbenhed blandt alle hesteejere og dyrlæger er nøglen til at stoppe smitte- spredningen.
Observation af hestenes almenbefindende og temperaturtagning er de primære værktøjer til at opdage syg- dom og forebygge spredning.

Stalde med symptomer på luftvejsinfektion:

Karantæne 14 dage fra sidste hest er raskmeldt (ingen til- eller afgang af heste til stalden). Isoler syge heste, så vidt muligt.
Daglig temperaturtagning.

Stalde med konstateret Herpesvirus 1 infektion:

Karantæne minimum 21 dage fra sidste hest er raskmeldt (ingen til- eller afgang af heste til stalden).* Isoler syge heste, så vidt muligt.
Temperaturtagning morgen og aften.
Desinfektion og tøjskift for alle med kontakt til stalden.

Desinfektion af udstyr og staldoverflader inden genåbning af stalden.

FEI press release - Denmark’s Bachmann Andersen wins dramatic last leg in Den Bosch


Langehanenberg pips reigning champion Werth for runner-up spot

Denmark’s Daniel Bachmann Andersen (28) threw down the performance of a lifetime to win the edge-of-the-seat tenth and last leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2018/2019 Western European League at ’s-Hertogenbosch in The Netherlands today. Last to go, it seemed he had a mountain to climb to overtake the fantastic score of 84.875 posted by Helen Langehanenberg (36) who had just pushed her German compatriot, and reigning series champion, Isabell Werth, off the top of the leaderboard.

But the Danish rider and his 14-year-old stallion, who began the season with a brilliant victory on home ground last October in Herning (DEN) where they also left Langehanenberg and Damsey FRH in their wake, really pulled out all the stops to do it once again. Their winning margin was tiny, just 0.015, but their mark of 84.890 rocketed them into pole position on the day and into fourth in the final standings on the Western European League table.

On an afternoon of sparkling sport there was plenty to keep the Dutch crowd pleased, with both Anne Meulendijks (MDH Avanti NOP) and Emmelie Scholtens (Apache) giving a great account of themselves before Hans Peter Minderhoud took the lead with Glock’s Dream Boy when posting a score of 81.635. However, third-last to go, World No. 1 Isabell Werth put 82.930 on the board to go out in front, and that was the target Langehanenberg was chasing when next into the ring.

And the lady who was crowned 2013 FEI Dressage World Cup™ champion was on fire, Damsey completely composed and concentrated as they forged way into the lead. The smile on her face as she punched the air after the final halt said it all. “This was the best test we’ve ever done!” Langehanenberg pointed out. But Bachmann Andersen wasn’t going to be intimidated. “I saw Helen’s score just before I went in and I decided I was just going to go for it - and I did!” he said.

And Zack answered his every call, demonstrating his ever-growing confidence and immense ability. He’s an extraordinary horse, because he lost an eye due to an injury when he was six years old, but it certainly doesn’t hold him back. “He’s well used to it and he knows his job and he believes in me - but he is truly amazing!” the Danish rider said of his 15-year-old stallion. 

"Today he just rocked it and it felt so good, he has so much power and now he can really absorb the degree of difficulty in this Freestyle. We finished very close Helen and I, and it’s amazing to ride against these great German and Dutch riders who are bringing out their ‘A’ game. This is another really important moment in my career!"

Daniel Bachmann Andersen (DEN)

Now he’s really looking forward to the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final in Gothenburg (SWE) which kicks off on 3 April. His strong league result will ensure a good place in the drawn order, and he can’t wait to take on the best of the rest when the moment comes. “Zack will have a little rest now and I will slowly build him up for Gothenburg. I know what the Swedish crowd will be like, it will be electric, but that only makes him better!” he pointed out.

There are nine spots at the Final available to riders from the Western European League and, as it stands this evening, Germany’s Langhanenberg and Dorothee Schneider will join their fellow-countrywoman and defending champion Isabell Werth when the action begins. But despite finishing third, eighth and tenth respectively on the WEL League table, Germany’s Benjamin Werndl, Frederic Wandres and Fabienne Muller-Lutkemeier will miss out because only three riders from each National Federation are permitted to compete. 

As of this evening, completing the WEL line-up will be Bachmann Andersen, Sweden’s Patrik Kittel and Tinne Vilhelmson Silfven, The Netherlands’ Hans Peter Minderhoud, Portugal’s Maria Caetano and Ireland’s Judy Reynolds.

Watch highlights here 

Final Western European League Standings here 

VIDEO - Daniel Bachmann about this weekend "way beyond my expectations - I'm so pleased"

Winner of World Cup qualifier today in s´Hertogenbosch - Daniel Bachmann Andersen with Blue Hors Zack.

Winner of World Cup qualifier today in s´Hertogenbosch - Daniel Bachmann Andersen with Blue Hors Zack.

Winner of 1st leg and last leg for this seasons World Cup qualifiers

Last to go was Danish Daniel Bachmann Andersen with KWPN stallion Blue Hors Zack. The one to beat was Germany´s Helen Langehanenberg with Damsey FRH as just left the arena scoring 84,875% and cracked her personal best ever scoring, but for sure also her best ever test. The lack of fluency and power from yesterday’s Grand Prix has gone with the wind, today they just showed the German national coach that they will be ready for the final in Gothenburg.

And Daniel and Zack delivered all the way. Superb timing, super qualities and the music and choreography just suits all the way. It became a margin win, and must say that the German judge really was wearing his German glasses for Daniel and Zack´s performance, but from H2R point of view it was a victory for Daniel with or without Danish glasses.

Isabell Werth and Emilio ended at 3rd place today and still with a very positive score from the judges.

Daniel Bachmann Andersen and Blue Hors Don Olymbrio.

Daniel Bachmann Andersen and Blue Hors Don Olymbrio.

What a weekend with 2 x personal best in Grand Prix freestyle and personal best Grand Prix with Blue Hors Don Olymbrio

Second victory this Saturday for Daniel was in the CDI3 Grand Prix freestyle earlier today. Ones again superb timing, overview and qualities. From judge at C British Stephen Clarke it was a 10 for harmony between horse and rider.

“I knew my horses were on good form and I knew I was well prepared, but said that this weekend was just way beyond my expectations - I’m so pleased,” tells a very proud Daniel just before leaving s´Hertogenbosch. “Now I will go home and look forward to the finals in Gothenburg together with Zack,” says Daniel.

See the results from the CDI-W GPF here. And from CDI3 GPF here.

Move the timeline to 2.14 where Daniel and Zack enters the centerline for the World Cup Grand Prix freestyle

Standings into the final, just two German combinations from the list will go to the final.


The proud wife and supporters

Nip Tuck and Carl Hester back in business winning yesterday's CDI3 Grand Prix at Keysoe

Nip Tuck and Carl Hester.

Nip Tuck and Carl Hester.

Comeback for Nip Tuck and Carl Hester at the international scene yesterday at Keysoe in England. They haven’t competed since 2017

They showed a good test with a few rusty issues, small lack of balance for extended trot and error for two times, and small stop at final piaffe at X.

New at the international scene was Charlotte Dujardin with the 12 year old Trakehner gelding Erlentanz and also Danish Anders Dahl with the 10 year old gelding by Fidertanz with the impossible name Fidelio van het Bloemenhof (just named Fidelio in the future at H2R).

Erlentanz and Dujardin showed a solid test. It is always a pleasure to watch Dujardin. It is a new international partnership between Erlentanz and Dujardin as he is former competed by his owner Sonnar Murray Brown at international level.

Fidelio and Anders Dahl.

Fidelio and Anders Dahl.

Anders Dahl and Fidelio showed a smooth test. Fidelio brings all three gaits with super nice qualities, like super angle and balance for the passage and piaffe tours, good series and nice pirouettes. Looks like a very interesting combination. Only issue for the test was a small misunderstanding for the final piaffe at X.

Anders is obviously very pleased about Fidelio after yesterday’s international debut, and tells that Fidelio is his best horse ever. At the moment Kyra Kirkland is supporting Anders with training of his horses, and the goal for this season is to participate at Danish national championship and of course a spot for Aachen, but there are no specific plans yet. Fidelio looks like a kind of clone between Atlantico and Cassidy, says Anders.