Verdades vinder Grand Prix Special i Rotterdam (video som føl og i dag)

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Nogle gange kommer man forbi noget helt specielt, som da en god bekendt af amerikanske Laura Graves mor Freddie Graves lagde den her meddelelse op på Facebook, hvor Laura´s mor beder om hjælp til at finde en hest til sin datter:

"14+ years ago, Freddie Graves asked me to go foal shopping in Holland to find a horse for her daughter Laura. This is the foal tape I made for them - and Diddy is the first one. As Verdades is now world famous, I thought everyone would enjoy seeing this video of him as a baby! It was fun finding him in a field, and even more fun seeing him become so famous! Thank you Laura and Freddie for trusting me to find a horse for you and for buying him sight unseen! I couldn't be more happy for you and there is no one more deserving of this horse than Laura!" 

Nyd Verdades som føl herunder, og i gårsdagens Grand Prix Special sejr i Rotterdam:
