Cennin, Zonik and Johnson in top today

From the beginning of today´s national Grand Prix at the Dutch championships there were a total of 4 riders which gave up their tests. Three of them due to much tensions and the last because the tongue has come over the bit.

The stallions in top of the field

Following today´s Grand Prix test it seems to be quite clear which combinations getting ready for the upcoming European Championships in Gothenburg, 3rd week in August. 

Cennin today´s winner seems to be in very good form, and without any technical issues - a sharp very settled card for the team, still with just 10 yr. 77,820%

Shining at 2nd spot was the just 9 yr old Danish Warmblood stallion Glock´s Zonik under Edward Gal - they are for sure also ready for their 1st major international championship in Sweden. Eventhough Gal also shows Glock´s Voice in a good shape, there is not doubt about his choise from H2R point of view. 77,500%.

Minderhoud and his championship and Olympic partner Glock´s Johnson TN also showing why they will be in Sweden late this summer. 76.960%

Which combination for the 4th spot is today Four Seasons and Diederik van Silfhout (73,680%), showing a strong test without errors, while Apache and Emmelie Scholtens (73,540%) unfortunately had to many minor mistakes, and Apache was not really in the mood for piaffe today. 

But Sunday when they´ve performed their freestyle we will for sure have a more clear picture of the Dutch team for Gothenburg. The Netherlands are not using Aachen as their final "destination" before the championships. 

Catch up on tweets on every single combination here.