VIDEO - Vayron & Daniel Bachmann Andersen with their CDI3 75,532% Grand Prix Special debut at Blue Hors

Next top horse for Daniel Bachmann Andersen

This weekend Danish team World Champion Daniel Bachmann Andersen made his international debut together with 11 year old stallion Vayron by Vitalis / Gloster, owned by Sandra and Rudolf Spiekermann.

It was definitely something special from watching the training Thursday evening. Friday´s international Grand Prix debut became with some really highlights, but also a lot of extras with kind of mixed up excitements.

The plan for the Grand Prix Special was clear from trainer Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and rider Daniel Bachmann Andersen, a very relaxed warm up and keeping the big Vayron in a kind of “low gear” in order to try to performe without mistakes - missing completed. “We have lots of extraordinary qualities to show, but for now this was our plan”, Daniel told after the victory.

From the sideline it was mostly like the 77,5% test from Danish judge at M Kurt Christensen - judge for yourself here below.

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