Isabell Werth and Don Johnson takes their 7th international Grand Prix victory in a row today (video)

CDI4 Grand Prix from Fritzens-Schindlhof in Austria

Since CDI-W at Stockholm last year in November Isabell Werth and Don Johnson has been unstoppable - pure victories, not just in the Grand Prix, but also in their Special´s or their freestyles.

"Competition intelligent"

In many ways today´s victory was just one in a row, but still one of the best things watching Werth during the years is that she is ALWAYS 110% focused. Her personal lowest level seems to be way over many other competition riders, in the way that she still expresses both her eager and motivation every time she enters the competition arena, without showing any weaknesses.

Worlds most successful Isabell Werth is the perfect dressage rider to be named as "competition intelligent".

See the results of today´s class here.